The Sword in the Stone (film)

The Sword in the Stone is a 1963 American animated fairy tale film produced by Walt Disney and originally released to theaters on December 25, 1963 by Buena Vista Distribution. It was the final Disney animated film released before Walt Disneys death. The songs in the film were written and composed by the Sherman Brothers, who later wrote music for other Disney films like Mary Poppins 1964, The Jungle Book 1967, and Bedknobs and Broomsticks 1971.

After the King of England, Uther Pendragon, dies, leaving no heir to the throne, a sword appears inside an anvil in London. The sword bears an inscription proclaiming that whoever removes it will be the new king. No one can remove the sword, which is eventually forgotten, leaving England in the Dark Ages.Years later, a 12yearold orphan named Arthur, commonly called Wart, accidentally scares off a deer his foster brother Kay was hunting, causing Kay to launch his arrow into the forest. In retrieving the arrow, Arthur lands in the cottage of Merlin the wizard, who declares himself Arthurs tutor and returns with the boy to his home, a castle run by Sir Ector, Arthurs foster father. Ectors friend, Sir Pellinore, arrives with news that the annual jousting tournament will be held on New Years Day in London, and the winner will be crowned king. Ector decides to put Kay through serious training for the tournament and appoints Arthur as Kays squire. ........

Source: Wikipedia